One Minute Video Description
1. FIND the daily question below or each lesson topic in this app's "Lessons" menu.
2 REVIEW the materials, which support learning for all viewers, classroom teachers, and home schools.
3. TUNE to KY3's 5 PM weathercast for the answers.
Mon, Feb 8, Lesson 1: The Sky
Nearly all of our weather occurs in the
A. troposphere B. stratosphere C. thermosphere
Tues., Feb 9, Lesson 2: Clouds
Which cloud type is associated with precipitation?
A. nimbostratus B. cumulus C. cirrus
Wed., Feb 10. Lesson 3: Precipitation
What is required for a raindrop to form?
A. freezing temperatures B. lightning C. dust
Thu., Feb 11. Lesson 4: Storm
The least common type of thunderstorm is the
A. single-cell B. supercell C. multi-cell
Fri. Feb 12. Lesson 5: Observing
You can submit your own observations to us using KY3’s Weatherschool app,
but the official NWS temperature is always recorded
A. in the sun B. in the shade C. over a concrete surface
Mon, Feb 15, Lesson 6: Solar Energy
Compared to the sun's average temperature, sunspots appear "darker" because they are
A. hotter B. cooler C. solid
Tue. Feb 16, Lesson 7: Temperature
Warm air rises except when there is
A. a strong wind B. low pressure C. an inversion
Wed. Feb 17, Lesson 8: Humidity
"Relative" humidity is relative to
A. temperature B. time C. season
Thu. Feb 18, Lesson 9: WInd
Wind is caused by changes in
A. Temperature B. cloud cover C. pressure
Fri. Feb 19, Lesson 10: Pressure
Above every square inch on the Earth’s surface is
A. warm temperatures B. about 15 pounds of air C. calm air
Mon. Feb 22, Lesson 11: Maps
The first weather maps from observations taken at the same time began in the
A. 1940s B. 1920s C. 1860s
Tue. Feb 23, Lesson 12: Weather Data 1
On a clear night, a blanket of snow means temperatures will be
A. warmer B. colder C. holding steady
Wed. Feb 24, Lesson 13: Weather Data 2
A “radiosonde” collects weather data
A. above the surface B. on the ocean C. deep in the ocean
Thu Feb 25, Lesson 14: Highs and Lows
A low pressure system in winter typically produces the heaviest snow
A. north of the center B. south of the center C. in its center
Fri. Feb 26, Lesson 15: Fronts
A “warm front” means
A. cold air rising above warmer air
B. two warm air masses colliding
C. warm air rising above colder air
Mon. March 1, Lesson 16: Satellites
A weather satellite monitoring the Earth’s weather is operated by the
A. U.S. only. B. U.S. and Russia C. U.S. and 5 others
Tues., March 2, Lesson 17: Satellite Images
Satellites "see" clouds at night by measuring
moonlight B. radiation C. atmospheric pressure
Wed. March 3, Lesson 18: Radar
The range covered by weather radar is limited by the
A. the earth's curvature B. cloud cover C. radar's screen
Thu. March 4, Lesson 19: Forecasting
the weather outlook depends on
A. past weather records B. current radar maps C. jet stream
Fri. March 5, Lesson 20: KY3 Weather
How long does it take to make our 5 PM weather broadcast?